Yes. God knows us, our qualities, limitations, successes, failures, plans and dreams. He knows us much more than we know ourselves, because, He is God-Love. Especially when we are undergoing a big suffering, God-Love is suffering with us. God-Love knows our past and never has He abandoned us because we have committed very big sins, never has He stopped to love us because of our bad past: “I have loved you with an everlasting love, so I am constant in my affection to you” (Jer.31:3), “Does a woman forget her baby at the breast, or fail to cherish the son of her womb? Yet even these forget I will never forget you. See, I have branded you on the palms of my hands” (Is.49:15-16)
Many times we have another idea of God: he is the terrible judge who will punish everybody because “No one is just in your sight” (Ps.142:2). Never will God stop to love us because He does not love us for our merits.
We think that since God loves us, we have to love Him. As we say in our daily experience: I love you, so you should love me. God does not have this mentality. St.John says: “Since God has loved us so much, we too should love one another” (1Jn.4:11). God –Love does not want a love for himself. His love is so generous and free that the way to respond to his love is not to love him but to love others! We love God when we accept others, when we forgive them. This is the God-Love that Jesus Christ revealed to us.